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Image by Javier Allegue Barros


The group’s research is aimed at investigating the biological interactions of conventional and nanotechnology-enabled medicines and therapeutics as well as other novel therapeutic strategies such as cellular therapies.

This work has supported the translation of novel nanoformulations to clinical studies and encompasses assessment of the biocompatibility, immuomodulatory potential and risk of these novel therapeutic strategies, integral to translation and approval.



Neill has a background in pharmacology, immunology, and molecular cell biology and leads the biocompatibility work programmes, on advanced materials, at the University of Liverpool.


Following on from a Tenure Track Fellowship, Neill became a lecturer in the department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2018), prior to Reader (2021) and Chair (2024). At the University of Liverpool, Neill is the MSc Pharmacology and Toxicology programme director. He is also the Skills and Training officer for the British Society for Nanomedicine.


Neill is also a member of the Executive Board, Core Expert Team (CET) and Assay Group leader (Immunotoxicity and Haematoxicity) for the European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory (EUNCL). He leads the nanoparticle biocompatibility and structure-activity relationships research activities on preclinical development.


He collaborates closely with the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Nanotechnology Characterisation Lab (NCL) in the USA and is on the ASTM E56 committee for Nanomedicines.

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